Pickup Policy

  • Children should be picked up at the appropriate pick-up time. Parents/caregivers agree to sign-out and record the pick-up time.
  • In the event of a special pick-up arrangement, parents must inform the school in writing by completing a Special Dismissal Form. If an individual picking up a child is unknown to the SLC staff, they will be required to provide photo identification.
  • If a parent or caregiver is more than 10 minutes late picking up and has not notified the SLC Office, a late fee of $1.00 per minute will be assessed. Late fees are due at pick-up.
  • Parents have a responsibility to ensure that all of their emergency contact information is complete and up-to-date. In the event that a parent or caregiver fails to pick-up a child, SLC will make three attempts to contact all persons on the emergency contact list. If no one can be reached and the child has not been picked up within 2 hours of the scheduled dismissal time, we will notify the appropriate outside authorities.
  • As always, SLC will never hold your child responsible for a late or missed pick-up. Discussion of the issue will only be with the parent or guardian and never with the child.
  • SLC is responsible for your child’s protection and well-being at school until a parent, caregiver or outside authorities arrive.