COVID Follow-Up
A message from our staff
This morning the SLC staff conducted our first-ever remote meeting via video/phone call. During the conversation we talked about what our work will look like over the next month, and discussed some of the ways we can stay connected to, and share resources with, colleagues and our SLC families.
As we all try to navigate new emotions, stress and uncertainty I continue to be impressed with the staff’s leadership, creativity and compassion. We have remarkable teachers and they have generated a wealth of suggested activities and resources that they look forward to sharing with you soon.
That said, the message the staff wants our families to receive is this: during this heightened time of stress and anxiety, it is important to focus on routines that meet your family’s basic needs for rest, nourishment and exercise (preferably outdoors).
Once these needs are met, and based on what research shows, PLAY is the next best thing you can do for yourself and your children. Read stories, bake, play games, act, sing, or build a fort. We want it to be clear that any suggestions or resources you receive from SLC in the coming weeks are by no means an expectation, and are to be utilized (or not) in a manner that best suits your family.
So, what can you expect in the coming weeks from SLC?
- The office will continue to send weekly communication via Thursday Thoughts.
- Your teaching team will reach out to you regularly; they miss you and are looking forward to ongoing communication during school closure.
- We will host parent/teacher conferences remotely, and they will consist of two parts:
- You will receive your child’s Reporting Document via email by Friday.
- Your teachers will follow up to schedule a time to have an OPTIONAL phone conference.
If there are families who have questions or specific needs, our school community is here to help. Please send an email to
Until we meet again, be well and stay safe.
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