The children are off to a wonderful start in Art class! So far, we have had three sessions together and have been very busy learning about the Elements of Art, specifically, Line, Shape, Color and Form. The children have been exploring these concepts through our class discussions, hands on activities and looking at examples of famous artwork from different artists throughout history.
We have explored fun ways to make lines using different mediums. As a class, we discussed and drew all of the unique types of lines that we could think of and the children rotated through 5 different creation stations. They walked on giant line segments taped to the floor, created line collages with various sized paper strips, traced lines in colored art sand, practiced drawing different types of lines individually with markers, and lastly made a large group line sculpture out of pipe cleaners. Everyone really enjoyed moving through the different activities and discovering lots of ways to create and identify lines.
During our color lesson, we talked about the concept of the color wheel with its three primary colors and three secondary colors. After showing them how each are mixed together to form a new color, students were able to do their own mixing with tempera paint. Since our session was close to Halloween, we used air-dry clay to form a small pumpkin and then the children mixed yellow and red paint to create their own orange color. We will be revisiting color and form in the months to come with new projects to reinforce these basic art elements.
During our most recent lesson, we talked about shapes and the difference between organic/natural shapes and geometric shapes. After identifying all the shapes we already knew (square, circle, rectangle, triangle, diamond, heart, pentagon, hexagon, octagon) we turned our attention to leaves and the incredible natural shapes we see every day outside. We read the book Leaf Man by Lois Elhert and made our own leaf creatures with contact paper. The end result was quite imaginative and everyone did a fantastic job. Unfortunately, the dryness of my room really took a toll on these amazing pictures and caused the leaves to curl and become very brittle. Please take extra care!
It’s been a pleasure getting to know your son or daughter these last couple of months. We will be continuing to learn about the Elements of Art with more art lessons and activities this winter, and moving into our Art Through the Ages
Thank You!
Carole Nimrod
SLC Art Teacher
Carole has been inspiring children at SLC for the last 7 years. She has 20 years of experience teaching art to children of all ages. Carole’s hope is to provide the children at SLC an appreciation for the artist’s creative process, an exposure to art history, and cultivate an awareness of art in the environment.
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