this post is part of a five post series on Individual Differences.

Each year, our school community is made up a little differently and our classrooms take on a collective “personality”.  In getting to know each class as a group, among other things, we gather information about the birth order of the children. 

Overall, as a school, we have 32 only children, 55 first born, 72 second born, 19 third born, and 5 fourth born children.  In addition, SLC welcomes 5 sets of twins.

There are reams of research and multiple theories about how birth order affects personality, but reviewing a brief article found in Parent Inspiration, July 2010 gives a snapshot description of each place in the family unit.  Judge for yourself if this applies to your own family!
“Only children tend to be well organized, perfectionists”

“First borns tend to be more attuned to the outside world”

“Second borns tend to be more internally focused

“Third borns tend to be most greatly affected by family members’ relationships”

“Fourth borns tend to be most concerned about how the entire family unit functions”

Regardless of birth order, every child will thrive when he/she is recognized as a unique individual!

Carol Teske
SLC Director