On July 16th, a beloved family foundation gave School for Little Children a tremendous gift – the Gift of Opportunity.  With a generous donation, we were able to turn a vision into a reality for our school, our staff and our children.  How very fortunate we feel to accept such a heartfelt contribution and how deeply we appreciate the gesture!

What is this all about? 

Last year, a small group of parents met with a small group of administrative staff to discuss ways in which we, as a school, could enhance and be more intentional about our social emotional curriculum in the same way that we have recently focused on our literacy curriculum.  Stemming from that conversation, we took a closer look at various approaches to support healthy social emotional development in the early years and selected one that we felt would be the most effective for use in our classrooms.  Feeling good about our choice, The Responsive Classroom, we searched to find a way to fund the expensive training that needed to take place before this new approach could be implemented.  This family foundation’s gift gave us the opportunity to make it possible.

With these funds, we flew in (from Connecticut) an early childhood Responsive Classroom expert who provided a day of training for our entire staff on September 4th.  This was truly a remarkable feat for School for Little Children and it was a day in which I felt very, very proud for all of us.

As the school year progresses, more will be shared about how the Responsive Classroom approach is helping us build friendly, supportive classroom communities and how academic learning is linked to social emotional development.   Lisa Solar, our Parent Liaison for Social Emotional Learning, will keep parents informed and engaged in how families can participate in this movement as well.

Gifts come in many forms and each one is sincerely appreciated.

Carol Teske
SLC Director